
Can You Get Rid Of That Stubborn Abdominal Fat Using The Flex Belt

Can You Get Rid Of That Stubborn Abdominal Fat Using The Flex Belt,Hogan Progetto Donna Grigio

If you are desperate to lose your belly fat,Kvinder Nike SB Swoosh Høje Hæle Hvid Sort, you may well have heard about the flex belt. There is nothing as boring as sit ups and crunches right? Life is too short, and if you are already interested in it you might well be asking yourself the question does it really work?

First off,Kvinder Nike SB Swoosh Grey Høje Hæle, flex belt reviews abound and it is sometimes difficult to sort out the marketing hype to distinguish whether or not this works and if so how does it work?

Dealing with the how first. This belt seems to have developed from many years of medical research into something called EMS. The company responsible for this abs belt have actually been involved in the medical instrument field for many years and the technology behind the belt has now been approved by the FDA. It also complies with international safety standards so you shouldn't have any fears about your safety.

Unlike a lot of abs products on the market,Nike Dunk SB Lav Heels Hvid Sort, the flex belt works by sending out pulses or vibrations to the nerves which in turn signal the abdominal muscles and external oblique's. There are three gel pads provided, which will need replacing if you use the machine regularly. These gel pads are strategically placed to target the main muscle groups in the area and surrounding so even those that are not directly targeted are still worked. This ensures that the core muscles including the lower back are involved which is important for overall core fitness.

The belt works by reproducing the effect of hundreds of crunches without all the pain. When you manually do sit ups,2012 Hogan Interactive Donna Bianco Albicocca in vendita a basso costo, you know that the movements should be small and slow. This belt works in the same fashion,Nike Lunar Max Kvinder Black Rose løbesko, by pulsing and relaxing the muscles. The time benefits are obvious; with the added advantage that the belt can be worn around the house whilst you concentrate on other matters. You don't have to visit the gym to get the workout your abdomen needs.

Is it expensive?

Well in comparison with some equipment,HongKong Fashion Phosphor Frauen MBT Kisumu 2 Sandale - 016, the perception might be that it is a little on the pricy side but you have to compare that with the likelihood that it will work and with the cost of gym membership which can run into hundreds of dollars and if you are not a gym fanatic,Nike Free 5.0 V4 Black Grey Red Shoes, the chances are that you will not visit it after the first few weeks, leaving a lot of money on the table,Nike Free Run , or in the gym owners pocket. There are more expensive methods of shifting your midriff than this belt.

Does the flex belt work?

If you read around the topic you will be led to the inescapable conclusion that it does work albeit with conditions. Like any exercise routine,Mænds Nike Shox Agent Mørkegrå Gul løbesko, you need to maintain a regular consistent program. The expert opinion seems to be that the flex belt can start to work after about six weeks of use. Both medical doctors and sporting personalities attest to that. If you are looking for a quick fix then this is not the answer. It will take a few weeks although you can speed that process up by some additional cardiovascular work, like walking and diet improvements.相关的主题文章:

